Coffee For Good - Kahlúa

17 July 2023

Kahlúa - Coffee For Good
Coffee For Good - Kahlúa
KAHLUA Coffee For Good

This year, we’re proud to say we achieved that goal with our biggest community harvest yet.

Not only that: we also made the commitment to improve living conditions in the villages and support farmers to build financially resilient businesses. But the story doesn’t end there.

In Fact – It’s Jus the Beginning

In this toolkit, you’ll see how the organisations behind Coffee for Good are helping farmers to grow their businesses while protecting the biodiversity of their land.

By sharing what we’ve learned, we hope that the project will inspire other companies to take their sustainability development plans to the next level.

Because if this long-term approach can work for coffee, it can also work for other forms of production – creating reliable sources and strengthening local economies.

KAHLUA Coffee For Good
Good Times From A Good Place

Kahlúa is associated with good times. But for those good times to continue, we recognised that the way we consume, do business – and ultimately live – has to change.

As one of the most tradable commodities in the world, coffee is an extremely profitable industry (for some).

Yet, with the booming global coffee trend and increased demand worldwide, businesses have a duty to protect the people and the fragile ecosystems that they rely upon.

Kahlúa has always bought coffee from Veracruz and in more recent years, 100% Arabica through our Mexican suppliers, Cafiver. But although we knew our suppliers, we realised that we knew almost nothing about the coffee growers themselves.

So, as one of the world’s most recognisable coffee liqueur brands, we knew we had to act. We embarked on a long journey which involved going back to the beginning – to the birthplace of Kahlúa.

Coffee For Good - Kahlúa

Please enjoy our brands responsibly. Do not share this website with anyone under legal drinking age.

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