
Bartender Induction Program - Cocktail Bars

Bartender Induction Program - Cocktail Bars

Are you ready to take the next step in your bartending career? Learn faster and go further with Bartender Induction Program, designed to take you from your very first shift to bar management – and beyond. Created by industry professionals, this interactive online course covers everything you need to know about working in a bar today.! PS: There are four different versions available – Bars, Hotel Bars, Cocktail Bars and Events – with content specifically tailored to that type of venue. So, make sure you take the course that’s most relevant to you.


In this module, you’ll discover the world of hospitality, and the exciting opportunities it offers. You’ll learn about what a bartender does, and the standards and responsibilities you need to adhere to as you take on this important role.

In this module, you’ll learn about all the different drinks you’ll come across when working in a bar. You’ll explore the main drinks categories and discover where different drinks come from and how they are made. 

In this module, you’ll learn about what to expect from your first day working in a cocktail bar. You’ll understand how a bar functions and what to look out for, and how to excel in your new role.
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