In-person event

World Martini Day

Über diese Veranstaltung

World Martini Day marks a global celebration of one of the most iconic cocktails in history. With its origins steeped in elegance and refinement, the Martini has transcended generations to become a symbol of sophistication and style. Whether shaken or stirred, with gin or vodka, dry or dirty, the Martini's allure lies in its simplicity and versatility. On this special day, cocktail enthusiasts and aficionados alike raise their glasses in homage to this timeless libation, toasting to its timeless appeal and the camaraderie it inspires. Join us as we celebrate World Martini Day, honoring a classic cocktail that continues to captivate and delight discerning palates around the globe. Cheers to the Martini—an embodiment of elegance, taste, and timeless allure.


San Francisco, Californie, États-Unis

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